Monday, November 12, 2007


Saturday night, while my boyfriend was in the restroom I snuck a few bites of his Kobe beef during dinner at 15 East. I've never seen steak served with a side of melted butter a la lobster but that's how 15 East rolls and I tell you what, that's how I'm going to roll.

Since I'd like to get more confident cooking steak, and since I love butter, here's what I made tonight.
  1. Cut 1 medium yellow onion into rings and 2 yellow apples into wedges
  2. Put some leftover bacon grease and a plop of butter into a pan on medium-high heat
  3. Set a small bowl of butter near the pan so it can start melting
  4. Cook the onion and apples until the onions start to get a little soft
  5. Make room for 3/4 lb of rib eye (I think ... it was $12/lb ... so whatever thick, fatty steak is $12/lb)
  6. Sear it for 5-6 minutes on one side; flip and repeat
  7. Turn off the heat; move the steak to a plate; cover loosely with tin foil
  8. Let the juices continue to work their magic for ten minutes
  9. Put the onions and apples in a bowl
  10. EAT. Dip steak into butter often.
I washed it all down with a Pilsner Urquell.

Next up, I'll get so round that there'll be no more boyfriend for whom to sear red meat :)

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