Saturday, March 8, 2008

Soup on the cheap

  1. Pick up some vegetables that you wouldn't mind consuming in soup form from the "stuff that's about to expire and therefore is totally cheap" shelf. I got 3 1/2 small potatoes for 45 cents and 4 medium carrots for forty cents.
  2. Wash, peel, then cut into 1" chunks.
  3. Toss into a small pot with a few garlic gloves.
  4. Add a cup or a cup and a half of chicken broth; simmer on medium.
  5. Meanwhile, take the leftover bones and fat from steak you made the previous night and put into a different pot. Add water to nearly cover the goods; crank to high.
  6. When the chicken broth from pot #1 is mostly gone and the veggies are looking soft, transfer to a food processor and puree.
  7. Put half of the puree into a bowl and serve as a mashed potato-like side course.
  8. Kill the heat on pot #2; strain the broth into now-empty pot #1. Toss bones and fat before they turn rancid and stink up your whole apartment. :)
  9. Turn heat under pot #1 to medium low; add the rest of the puree.
  10. Stir and add additional chicken broth, if desired, to preferred soup consistency.

Serve with Wonder Bread slathered with Blue Bonnet margarine. Congratulate self on ingenuity. Briefly consider whether your future children will loathe your approach to food-making.

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